Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Wind on a Brompton!

Oooooh Matron! With a title 'Wind of a Brompton' I am sure you might have expected some sort of double entendre plucked from a Carry On film. I am of course talking quite literally about the wind. (Steady on...no titters please).

The past few days have been interesting on my daily commute. I am sure you know where I am going with my choice of adjective - interesting. Yesterday it bucketed down. At one point on the way home the rain was travelling vertically up - possibly as the wind was blowing in that direction.

Today the journey home was arduous as I was cycling directly into a strong gust. Thankfully I have the sense to use a Brompton as its smaller profile does help in this regard. Roadies really did have to battle on the commute home and I almost felt sorry for them.

On Saturday I will be cycling from central London to Cambridge with a few other mad intrepid Bromptonians. This is merely a recce for the same ride which will take place in April. Weather forecasts seem to be all over the place when in advance and we will not really know what it will be like until nearer the time or the actual day itself. It would appear that the winds will remain. This will make things that bit harder, but for me even more of a challenge.

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