Saturday, 5 January 2013

Richmond Park on my Brompton S2L

This morning I was up early, porridge consumed and off to Richmond Park. There was quite a drastic difference today in that I decided to take my Raw Lacquer S2L.

When I arrive at Richmond I don't think I have ever seen it as busy. There were lots of cycle clubs out in force in pelotons of up to a dozen or so at a time. There were joggers - ladies who I think were part of an actual race. You name it they were all out. Normally I usually spot another Bromptonian but alas none had come out to play today.

I decided to cycle the usual way around Richmond and all was going well until I reached the big hill. On my beloved Orange Brompton with its 6 x gears I don't normally have much of a problem. With only two gears to play with, ascending the hill was hard work. This was made harder still when a female deer decided that she had seen enough of one side of the road and wanted to see the other. She ran across the road causing me to stop and one of the roadies actually fell off trying to avoid her. Once back on the bike I found it difficult to get to the top as my rhythm had been broken, but managed it.

With only two gears my average speed was up on that set last time on my Orange Brompton. I am due to go again tomorrow and I will take my orange Brompton to cycle the same route to see whether there are any differences of note.

While at Richmond I saw a wheelchair cyclist peddling with his hands. I must confess to feeling slightly humbled on many levels. Not only did he travel at speed, he actually managed to get up the hill with tenacity.

Please click below to see the data from my Garmin Edge 200.

Richmond Park S2L Ride Data

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