Friday, 11 January 2013

Brompton to Unveil???

At the London Bike Show, Brompton might unveil something new. There have been a few tweets and hints, teasing us loyal devotees of the said brand. This has caused quite a bit of sooth saying, speculation and predictions.

Some have said it might be a lighter Brompton. The words carbon fibre have been banded about, more of a dream than anything else. I doubt if this would happen due to cost.

Others have mentioned disc brakes. I haven't had too much of a problem with the brake on both my Brompton bikes. The new brake levers look great and are quite new. Besides, would there be much of an advantage to be gained with the small wheels of a Brompton and disc brakes?

I have even heard of a 20 inch wheel version. I think not however. The whole point of a Brompton is that it is perfect personal transport and the 16 inch wheel and folding package perfect for this. Added to this is the fact I'd still prefer the convenience and dare I say it the look of the 16 inch Brompton. (I once owned a Dahon Speed 7 and although a good little bike for what it was, a Brompton killer it was not. As for convenience and portability...I think not!

A hybrid pedal has been muted. Same as we have now but incorporating some sort of cleat system. Not overly sure about his either.

There you have it. I don't really know what Brompton will unveil but I am sure it will be worth the wait whatever it is. In the meantime you can continue to speculate.

Have you heard of any other rumours? What do you think of the those I have mentioned? It would be great to get some comments on this subject.


  1. Hmm . . . NYCeWheels in New York City have just announced that they have 20 titanium Bromptons in stock, and are prepared to take custom orders. Don't know if that is what is going on, but it's pretty big news.

    For my part, I just wish they'd get the water bottle to market!

    1. Yes, we're excited to have the 20 titanium models in stock,good start to the new year - NYCeWheels

  2. Thanks for your comment. I hear you on he water bottle. It took a while for the toolkit to surface. I have seen a more or less final version of he water bottle when I visited the factory. It looks great. Like you say, hope it is out soon.

  3. I know they were planning on bringing out an electric Brompton but that due to problems with certain suppliers they cancelled it. I wonder if they got the problems fixed and the big announcement will be the electric bike. Just speculating.

    1. Good guess I'de say. If they do release the e-model it will be interesting to see how it differs from our own e-brompton design - NYCeWheels

  4. The water bottle being trialed is an off the shelf model but wasn't up to Brompton's high standards so they will probably design something themselves which is fit for purpose.

    1. Many thanks for the reply. That is good to hear actually. I'd rather Brompton maintain their usual very high standards than compromise.

  5. Of course it cold just be Brompton revealing the location of the Brompton World Championships for 2013?

  6. In fact it might be a special edition Sunseeker version as in the luxury Sunseeker Boats.


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