Monday, 1 May 2023

London gets ready for the coronation

If you live or work in central London, you cannot help but notice all the preparations for the coronation next Saturday. 

There has been bunting, large flags, seating going up at Horse Guards and outside Buckingham Palace and even two new arches in Carnaby Street. Shops have out up displays and Burlington Arcade has gone Chelsea Flower Show with national flowers of the countries of the UK. 

There are several road closures making it an absolute pain to get around. The best description of what is happening was and overheard conversation with a 'Big Issue' seller and someone buying a copy when they remarked, 'Chuck is getting a new hat!' 

The road closures naturally cover almost all of St James and Whitehall but also that around Waterloo, Blackfriars and Embankment. I for one will be avoiding the entire area at all costs, only to return when it is all over. 

Until next time, stay safe out there people and see you on the other side!