Tuesday, 14 February 2023

Brompton CHPT3 version 4

Brompton might have sent you a notification to sign up for information about the forthcoming CHPT3 Version 4. Yes it will be out sooner rather than later. The CHPT3 has been a huge hit and is pretty much guaranteed to not only fly off the shelf - but probably won't even make it to a shelf in the first place. Those of a certain age might remember when bands released singles and a few, made it all the way to 'number one' before it was even released. The CHPT3 is a little like that. 

The first version was back in 2018 and was released to rave reviews. Let's gloss over the fact that many, perhaps unkindly, said that it was a Brompton Superlight with a new paint job, some extras and very good PR.

A year later the 2019 model followed with a few changes here and there in the looks department. My favourite of the lot was the 2020 version which had grey and the familiar hint of red.

I have a friend who has all three and is getting #4 whenever it comes out. It is as simple as that. Getting the third version was quite comical on several levels. To ensure that he was guaranteed to get one (he did quite easily) I, along with a few trusted friends was enlisted to sign up for as a prospective buyer, just in case. With #4 on the horizon, he is doing much the same - just in case. 

Now my friend does use these bikes, only in the summer and when there is no prospect of rain. (Who does this remind you of with his Orange Superlight)? For all other times he uses a couple of the new T-Line Brompton bikes of all things, one with a low and one with a mid handlebar. 

It is very likely that the new CHPT3 will use a P Line as the starting point, feature some red and the rest, who knows? As mentioned, it will be sold out before you can blink and the only location you will be able to buy one will be for eye watering amounts on various bidding platforms. 

So my friend, if you are reading this, I have your back just in case but you owe me!

Until next time, stay safe out there people!

Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Look Mum No Hands closes its doors

The rather sad news was released earlier today that possibly the best cycling cafe in London has shut its doors. 

Located in Old Street - an incredibly convenient place - it served as the meeting point for many cycling adventures. These have included the Dunwich Dynamo, The Cobble Monster and many other Brompton rides. 

It was also the eatery where my partner in crime, Bumblebee and I often started or ended our many mini cycling adventures with some refreshments. 

It seems that the ‘C’ word was partly, if not fully responsible, for this decision. The more time that passes the more I continue to view the lockdowns with more than a little frustration. 

There may well be other cycle themed cafes out there in London but few will be held in such affection.

Stay safe out there people  

Monday, 6 February 2023

London on an Orange Brompton

A few days ago I took my Brompton out with me for a little errand. I took lots of photos my my Brompton (you wouldn't expect anything less) but for once I am going to spare you from those. Below are a few of the photos I took of the touristy bits. 

Over a few years now my big camera has come out less and less on pretty much all my adventures. I have used a trusty iPhone 11 since it came out for lots of reasons. 

The first was that the video is very good. I can get 4K video at 60 frames a second, that is stabilized and looks clean and sharp. What's more, it can operate in low light. 

It is a similar story for stills. Excellent in low light and the wide angle is just nice to have for expansive landscapes or just to get more in the frame. 

A Brompton really is an excellent way to get around London and see the sights. The amount of ground you can cover is huge even at a relatively sedate pace. There is certainly more competition out there. Electric bicycles are definitely a thing now and there are more than a few that trump what is currently on offer from Brompton. I wonder what they have in development for the future? 

The one feature of London near the Thames is the amount of new development that has and continues to take place. New buildings are up all the time. Some, that once commanded incredible views, have been superseded by newer builds that are taller and now offer a much better view. Some of you out there in New York, Tokyo and Malaysia have told me that it is much the same story.  

The jury is still out for me on whether or not I like or dislike, The Shard? I still cannot make up my mind but I do always see to take a photo if it. 

Until next time, stay safe out there people.