Wednesday, 8 February 2023

Look Mum No Hands closes its doors

The rather sad news was released earlier today that possibly the best cycling cafe in London has shut its doors. 

Located in Old Street - an incredibly convenient place - it served as the meeting point for many cycling adventures. These have included the Dunwich Dynamo, The Cobble Monster and many other Brompton rides. 

It was also the eatery where my partner in crime, Bumblebee and I often started or ended our many mini cycling adventures with some refreshments. 

It seems that the ‘C’ word was partly, if not fully responsible, for this decision. The more time that passes the more I continue to view the lockdowns with more than a little frustration. 

There may well be other cycle themed cafes out there in London but few will be held in such affection.

Stay safe out there people  

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