Sunday, 6 January 2013

Brompton World Championships 2013 - Where?

It is 2013 the start of a new year which can only mean one thing - I will have to get ready for the Brompton World Championships! However, a dark cloud has approached. Mystery surrounds. Rumour is rampant! Brompton owners up and down the country are loosing sleep over the prospect of where the Brompton World Championships 2013 are to be held!!

Okay, okay things aren't exactly that bad. However, the word on street (to use common parlance) is that Blenheim Palace will not be the venue for this red letter day. This has yet to be confirmed but you heard it here first - unless this is already common knowledge and I'm the last one to know!

I have attended two BWC at Blenheim and throughly enjoyed them. Last years event was by far the best as there were three events you could enter. Wherever the new venue is I am sure that Brompton will choose wisely. Hopefully it will be in this country - for me a move abroad would not be welcome. British made bike, so the ultimate set of races/events should be in Britain. I also hope that wherever is chosen, the three events remain as they were great fun.

So, if you are fretting, find yourself biting a finger nail, reminiscing over memories of past BWC's I wouldn't worry too much. Brompton, in the events I have attended, are masters at organisation. They really do know how to put on a great event and whenever they decide to announce the venue, I suspect concerns will disappear. 

In the meantime, it is game on. Think about the all important, what to wear. Start training as 2013 could be my year and this might be the year that I win!?


  1. Don't worry the new proposed venue is still in the UK and will be just as iconic!

  2. OB man events to enter what are they?
    Open to anybody or is there a criteria to attain?

  3. Open to all. For details on actual events have a look at my blog entry for BWC.

  4. Would be nice to see a venue in the wild North , I believe there are trains from London to the likes of Manchester now :-)

    1. Well Brompton did launch the BWC 2012 in Manchester.

    2. Indeed they did, forgot about that... From a selfish point of view would love to see it combined with the Manchester bike rides, they closed down a section of the mancunian way last year...


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