Friday, 4 January 2013

Kensal Green Cemetery on a Brompton with my Fuji X100

This afternoon I paid a visit to 'Fudges Cycles' to have a look at some Moulton bikes and get a tin of proof hide for my Brooks saddles. (Don't worry, I am not buying one and I was just looking).

As I was not too far from Kensal Green Cemetery, had my Brompton and my new Fuji X100 I decided to pay it a quick visit.

Kensal Green Cemetery for those of you who don't know, is regarded as one of the finest Victorian cemeteries in the country. The list famous names buried here is vast. It is also a location with quite at atmosphere and lends itself very well to black and white photography.

I must have taken over 200 photos today, mainly as I was playing around with the cameras settings. I really like this camera! I absolutely love the hybrid viewfinder and found that even though its LCD screen is excellent, I rarely used it as the viewfinder was much more satisfying and fun to use.

Loving the bokeh that this lens can produce.

The f2 35mm lens is pin sharp and you really can get lovely bokeh. (This is shown in the picture below. The head is in focus but the background has a creamy blur). In fact the picture below was at f3.2 so I could have thrown the background out of focus even more had I used f2.8 or even f2!

By the time I took the last photo is started to get colder and a fog started to creep over the gravestones and mausoleums. All the pictures I have posted on this blog entry are straight out of the camera with no post processing at all. That extends to the picture below and you can see the fog starting to rise.

It was at this point that Mrs Orange Brompton and my Orangenettes made it very clear that they wanted to go. Believe me dear reader, they didn't have to ask twice as at any moment I was half expecting Bela Lugosi to appear, waving fingers left and right!

I am loving this X100 at the moment and carry it with me everywhere, looking for any opportunity to use it. It is by no means perfect but anything that is such a joy to use and puts a happy smile on my face can only be a good thing. The fact that on trips like this I often take one of my Brompton bikes, I am in a win win situation!


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