Thursday, 2 July 2020

London pop up cycle lanes for the Brompton user

In the game of Monopoly here in the UK, Park Lane in London has always been one of the two most expensive things to buy and if you are able to put some houses and hotels on it, things get painful if the opposition land on it! The real Park Lane is a rather exclusive but very busy road in London and for a few weeks has a pop-up cycle lane installed.

I have to confess that I would much prefer cycle through Hyde Park which runs more or less parallel to park Lane but it would certainly make me happier about cycling on what can be a very congested road. 

Car traffic in London is supposed to be 75% of what it was before lockdown. I have to say that it has got steadily busier and seems more or less what I remember it to be before people more or less stopped using four wheels for all those weeks. From 4th July I would imagine things will get busier still as more and more businesses open up.

Sadly, plans for a pop-up cycle lane on Oxford Street seem to have come to nothing which I would have liked. I hope that some of these pop-up lanes become more of a permanent fixture however it still seems as if the car is king above all other forms of transport - no matter what politicians say -  which is a shame.

Stay safe out there people!!

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