Saturday, 4 April 2020

More rides cancelled

Yesterday two of the Evans Cycles,  'Ride It' events I had signed up for before Christmas were cancelled quite rightly as a result of the uncertainty over COVID-19.

The rides were the Windsor  Sportive - on the same day as the Tweed Run - and the Hatfield Sportive which was to take place on 14th June. I wasn't going to the Tweed Run this year but it does make me wonder when, with four weeks to go, it will be cancelled?  Even Wimbledon which was due to take place between 29th June and 12th July has been cancelled - the first time since World War II.

I do wonder when the decision will be made for events like the Dunwich Dynamo - where many participants have paid for a coach ticket already - and the Ride 100? I know that no-one can look into the future and see what will happen but it does seem that there is a great amount of dithering going on. Just get on with it.

As far as I am concerned these events I have named shouldn't go ahead. Make the decision, cancel and refund. I doubt very much whether the world will have seem the back of the dreaded 'C' word by then. As far as the UK is concerned, the emergency services and our poor NHS will need time to lick their wounds and recover. There is always next year...hopefully.

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