Saturday, 4 April 2020

Orange Brompton Blast from the past #1 - First cycle ride with The Legend

With lockdown pretty much everywhere a few loyal readers have been corresponding with me about some of my favourite - or not so favourite Brompton adventures. This did get me thinking and I decided to have a look back to see what I got up to.

I started this blog to serve as a way of an online diary of what I got up to. I have to confess that I rarely look back at any of the posts however doing so has certainly brought back a few memories.

So, blast from the past number 1 is in many ways a rather special one. The 28th April 2012 was my first ride with the person who would become BumbleBee.

I had actually met Andrew a few weeks before on a different ride in which we were put into groups but we didn't ride together. If memory serves me, back then we did not have phone numbers etc.., but we messaged each other via Twitter and arranged to meet and go on this ride.

It was a dull and rainy day but neither of us cared a great deal and it was to become the start of a beautiful friendship. I cannot think how many adventures Andrew and I have gone on together. It amazes me how the simple fact of us each owning a Brompton bicycle turned into a friendship that lasts to this day. We may not go on as many rides together but I am happy in the knowledge that I have made a friend in Andrew. Perhaps when we are older and greyer we will still be reminiscing on all of the crazy things we got up to.

Sadly, the blog post below does not have any photos anymore. This is the case for many of my oldest blog posts.

Link to blog post

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