Tuesday, 30 June 2020

London at night on a Brompton in lockdown

When people ask what it has been like cycling in and around central London at the height of lockdown, my answer has been a little bit like the first few minutes of the horror film from 2002, '28 Days Later.'

In the few weeks at the start of lockdown, certain locations, even during the day, were eerily quiet with few people around - when there should be - apart from one or two others.

At night things have been even worse. Areas normally buzzing were shut and the people that would have been frequenting bars, clubs, cinemas, the theatre and restaurants were all at home, with the people that worked in these places all at home too.

I am not a believer in ghosts etc.., but I can appreciate certain locations, steeped in history that allow the imagination to run wild.

Stay safe out there people!!

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