Wednesday, 3 June 2020

'I wish all cyclists were as polite as you!'

Since owning a Brompton - getting on for 10 years - I have used it as part of my daily commute. I stopped doing this for well over a year and drove instead - for reasons I won't bore you with. For the last few months I have taken to using my Brompton exclusively to get to and from work. Using the Brompton for my daily commute has highlighted once more how much I love these little bikes. I feel better as a result. 

As I have been leaving for work more or less at the same time each morning, one feature of my daily commute is that quite often I seem to see the same faces behind the wheels of cars or on bicycles. I have to report that some of the faces on the car drivers, even with less traffic, is far from happy looking. 

On the road I alway try and be as courteous as possible. One driver I seem to see almost every day at a set of traffic lights (the ones that seem to take an age to get the traffic through) today rolled down his window and said, 'I wish all cyclists were as polite as you!' I said thank you and told him that people who ride Brompton bicycles are definitely the most polite cyclists!

So, don't let me down people. If you are a Brompton user out and about on your beloved Brompton, wherever you are in the world, don't let the side down!!

Stay safe out there people!!

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