Wednesday, 24 June 2020

A clean Brompton is a good Brompton!

Last Sunday I embarked upon my usual cleaning ritual. As I am sure you are aware I have two Brompton bicycles. One is an Orange Flame Lacquer, the other an Orange, Black Special Edition. The Flame Lacquer has become my commuter bike and what a bike to have as your commuter hack! The Orange, Black is everything else.

For me the jury is still out as to whether I prefer the black parts or the classic sliver parts. Certainly the silver parts are easier to keep clean - possibly as the dirt isn't as visible. It is a hard one but I am coming down on the side of the classic silver.

It was a lovely sunny afternoon on Sunday and I had an audience of cats lined up along the widow watching me from inside as I went through the actions of cleaning my bikes.

Of course I know people with a Brompton whose idea of cleaning it is to take it out in the rain. I like to keep things looking good. So, if I go on a ride that makes the bike dirty, I clean it as soon after as I can. In the case of the Flame Lacquer I wash it down once a week.

I now have the Orange, Black cleaned and waiting for an adventure and the Flame Lacquer that hasn't really got that dirty since I cleaned it on Sunday.

How often do you give your Brompton the attention it deserves?

Stay safe out there people!!


  1. I'll admit I'm not a great clean freak of a person - having said that, since the 'C' word and working from home, I have time to read your excellent blog (and have started reading the older post from your 'day 1' waiting for your first Brompton to be delivered.

    I think your cleaning regime has got to me - Last Sunday I had time in the garage to blow the tyres up (every Sunday regardless), cleaned the oil off the chain and applied GT85 (I had this already and read you used to use it so can't be too bad at doing the job) and gave everything a good wipe down with a clean soft cloth.

    You can count yourself as a good influence I think!

    1. Hello and thank you for reading my ramblings.

      Like you I am not a clean freak but when it comes to the Brompton...

      Yes that day 1 and the wait was a long time ago now.

      Stat safe and keep pedalling!


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