Thursday, 14 May 2020

Exercise any amount you want to, on a Brompton

Yesterday the some of the lockdown restrictions were altered to allow unlimited exercise rather than the just one that had been in force for several weeks.

I didn't actually get out on one of my Brompton bikes at all yesterday, however I did see lots of people out and about - more than once - enjoying their cycling. Some were old hands and others new converts.

This is of course great news as there are time where I do want to make more than one journey on one of my Brompton bikes during the day. 

Once thing I won't be doing - like I suspect many of you out there - is folding my Brompton and carrying it on to the tube or a bus. As I have said many times over the last few weeks, I am not  a fan of public transport as I really don't fancy a crowded carriage anytime soon! 

Luckily, getting to my haunts in central London is not a long or onerous journey and if anything more enjoyable. There is one trend I noticed yesterday and today which is car usage is definitely up. Now this could simply be because people can now drive to the the location where they exercise. I do however think that the predictions that people will turn to their cars will come true. To be honest, I cannot blame them if it meant using public transport otherwise. 

Stay safe people!!

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