Sunday, 24 May 2020

Bicycle sales skyrocket during lockdown

During lockdown when I have been out and about on my Brompton for my daily exercise or when commuting to and from work, it is fairly obvious that there have been lots and lots of new riders on gleaming bikes. The extent of this however even surprised me.

Web-based shop 'Wiggle' say that UK sales have risen by over 190%. Halfords say that there has been a doubling in the demand for hybrid bikes among other that has seen their share price increase by up to 80%. Here in London, 'Sigma Sports' have seen a 977% increase in the sale of turbo trainers and static bikes!

Naturally Brompton has seen its sales increase fivefold since the start of the lockdown - perhaps helped by their introduction of their home delivery service.

If I didn't own a Brompton and was faced with the prospect of having to use public transport or take the car, as lockdown eases, I would ahem been first in the queue to buy one. I see lots of people on new hybrid, mountain or road bikes who might regret that if and when they consider cycling in to work. The Brompton just does this so much better.

Have you out there bought a new bicycle?

Stay safe out there people!!

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