Wednesday 5 December 2012

The Leica Shop Mayfair

In all major cities you will find a Leica shop. In London it is in the lovely Mayfair. Leica have been making cameras, binoculars and other optical instruments for many years. Some regards their 'M' series of cameras the best of the best. I paid a visit to this shop with a friend who was taking an ageing Leica camera to be serviced.

Luckily I was wearing a suit and tie and as my eyes felt tired this morning I was forced to wear my glasses. (A pair of now trendy geek Ray Bans). I point out my attire as Mayfair and to some extent this shop demand a certain sense of élan.

My friend handed over his camera while I looked at the cameras on display. The camera and lens combination I would have chosen would have set me back the price of brand new small car! Add a couple of lenses and we are talking family car territory.

I must state that many years ago I owned a Leica film camera and a couple of lenses - given to me by a relative who had them going spare (don't ask). I hated it. Perhaps my skill level or photographic knowledge was lacking, but I did not really enjoy using it. Give me a sleek, Japanese number any day. I ended up selling it, using the proceeds to put towards the deposit for our first house.

My friend was told that it might take a few weeks for his camera to be serviced. He wasn't bothered by this and spent a further 40 minutes eying up Leica's many wares.

If you haven't been to the Leica shop it is well worth a visit. Not even the Apple Store is able to top the presentation of the many Leica products. If you want to purchase something, I suggest you buy a lottery ticket and keep your fingers crossed.

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