At the end of the week my Christmas holiday begins. For the Christmas period I will not have to think too much about work - I hope. It will also be the time when Santa will give me back my Brompton Toolkit. I say this as I had it but Santa took it away!
Over the Christmas break I plan to continue some sort of training. What this will involve I am not sure. With lots of family commitments, the family will come first, second and last, so any training might have to be done at night or very early in the morning.
I have arranged a training run with my cycling partner and all round good egg, iCrazybee at Richmond Park quite soon. It is always good to have someone to train with and we make quite a formidable team. I am hoping to drag him out over the Christmas period for more adventures.
Sadly, I haven't cycled to work once this week so far and the rest of the week doesn't look good either. The Brompton C-Bag can hold a great deal but the amount of bits and pieces I find myself carting to and from work means that it is impossible to commute on the Brompton. (I absolutely hate taking the car and not my beloved Brompton, but alas I have little choice).
I have a few ideas for some solo rides and if they come to anything you'll be the first to read about them.
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