My prep for the forthcoming, Brompton London by Night ride continues.
Today Mrs Orange Brompton clearly concerned about my wellbeing presented me with another top base layer and even a legs base layer. They aren't Helly Hanson but are of a very similar material and look pretty good.
The weather forecast now tells of 10 degrees and light rain. This would probably be better than extreme cold but I must admit to being a tad disappointed. I was looking forward to braving the elements.
For some reason I kept thinking that today was Thursday and that I only had tonight to do some final prep. Luckily I soon realised what day it was and that I still have tomorrow as well.
I am going to try and get an early night today and tomorrow as I doubt whether there will be any prospect of even stealing 40 winks on Friday. Again I find myself looking forward to this ride greatly. The ride will start at 01:00 am Saturday and last through until the early hours of the morning - possibly 07:00 am
If the rain does hold off I would love to get some good shots of London asleep - apart from us intrepid Bromptonians of course. I just hope that we don't get arrested for looking like suspicious types up to no good. I say this as my balaclava is really something one would not want to see on someone at night!
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