Thursday, 15 November 2012

The perfect cycling glove?

I think I might have stumbled across the perfect cycling glove. I say cycling glove as I don't think it is strictly a cycling glove - possible a general purpose sports type. I say perfect as it has elements making it almost the Holy Grail of gloves used while cycling - the ability to use ones iPhone with gloves on!

They are made by Head, are lightweight and of a stretchy material that provides a surprising amount of warmth.

The fingers and palms have a layer of rubber bubbles that give a great deal of grip. This is great for cycling. There are also no bulky seams which results in a very compact glove.

The Head stitching and top of the finger, light up on the dark when light is shined upon them.

The clever bit is the finger and thumb. Both are covered in a small patch of material that mimics fingers, this allowing you to use your iPhone or any other touch screen. Very clever and very useful!

I bought them for £9.99 from Costco but I believe some running shops and cycling shops stock them. I have to say that Costco didn't have any more in stock a week after I bought them (a work colleague wanted a pair) and I have not seen them since. If however you can find a pair, they really are good for the winter commute.


  1. Damn man, you always find the good stuff, I was looking for some gloves the other day too as I only got mitts (fingerless gloves) and of course being able to use the iPhone when wearing them is key

  2. Glove helps to rider to keep strong grip on bike. Last month I have purchase a pair of gloves, but these not fit properly in fingers.

    winter motorcycle gloves

  3. Glove helps to rider to keep strong grip on bike. Last month I have purchase a pair of gloves, but these not fit properly in fingers.

    winter motorcycle gloves


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