Saturday, 20 October 2012

Trains and Brompton Bicycles

I have oft wondered why people bother with full sized bikes on crowded trains? I am at Richmond Station waiting for my cycling partner iCrazyBee and I am pondering this question while I wait.

On my journey today I have given out no less than 7 of my little orange business cards (sure to be a collectors item one day) to total strangers who have come up to me to enquire about that orange folded package I look so smug about.

There were plenty of other road bikes on the same train but no one went up to them. The Brompton creates discussion from strangers, curious to find out more.

As I tucked my beloved Orange Brompton neatly out of the way (it was incredibly busy in the train) I could see the reaction from people upon seeing a hulking road bike taking up loads of space. I could see the looks. I could hear the tuts. I on the other hand was greeted like a friend and left those seven people kind enough ask about my bike, with a feeling that a Brompton, in a busy city made sense, was practical, well made/engineered but perhaps most importantly fun.

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