Saturday, 1 August 2020

Brompton World Challenge

Brompton - in the absence of a red Brompton World Championships this year - have launched the 'Brompton World Challenge.' Click here for link to their website page

Over the weekend of the 15th and 16th August Brompton owners anywhere in the world with be able to take part and ride their Brompton in any of the four different distances that would have been part of the RideLondon event. There will be an opportunity to complete a series of photo challenges and even win a bike.

So, if you own a Brompton -wherever you are - check out the Brompton page dedicated to this for more information. It might be a good way fo taking your mind off the 'C' word!!

Stay safe out there people!!


  1. Hi! I have been reading your blog posts these past few weeks. They’re quite helpful. A recent Bromptoner here.

    I just wonder, are there any Brompton clubs around? I mean sometimes I feel I want to go cycling but it just feels a bit sad riding alone sometimes. I do enjoy it though at times but there are times when I feel like riding at night but get thrown off by the idea of being a prey in the dark.

    Post-lockdown, I think there have been an increase in bike theft and that sort of prevents me from exploring London alone. Anyway, sorry for my ramblings.

    Thank you in advance.
    By the way, keep it up! More power to you. :)

    1. Only quite useful ;)

      There is the London Brompton Club - find them on Facebook who do lots of rides but with the current situation these are quite restricted.


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