Wednesday 20 March 2013

Getting Ready For Another Brompton All Nighter!

This Saturday just before the witching hour I will be making my way to the Strand in central London for another all night ride,  on Brompton bicycles of course!

Last time we did this we had quite a few riders and it was merely a cycle around various landmarks in London that were interesting and could be photographed. Although it was my idea I turned to the navigating genius of David P who fashioned a quite brilliant route. In short I loved it so much so that I proposed another all nighter. Again David P has devised a route/ride/theme that will make the original all nighter seem rather tame.

Saturday will see us following a Monopoly Board and perhaps other sights on route for some 39 miles. The pace will be leisurely but brisk if needed and it should prove to be a memorable night/morning. It has been a particularly busy week at work so far and thoughts of this ride have kept me going. If you haven't already guessed, I am very much looking forward to this ride.

On the weather front it looks so far as if it will be cloudy at best and some rain at worst, so wet weather gear will need to be packed. Recently I have travelled light and attempted to only pack the essentials. This has worked pretty well so far and I intend to do the same for this ride.

So, while some of you are either out partying, watching television or sleeping I will be somewhere in London along with a few other brave souls going round the Monopoly Board locations - I can't wait!


  1. I'm guessing it will be a night for orange steel rather than orange titanium, if your weather forecasts are to be believed!



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