Monday, 23 August 2021

Virtual Brompton World Championships 2021

The Brompton World Championships is - for me at least - the premier cycling event. Nothing really comes that close. The BWC did not happen last year for obvious reasons and will not happen this year. There is however an alternative. 

The RideLondon event that the BWC tagged on to from 2015 is no more but there are plans that it is set to continue from 2022 - 2031. It won't go out to the Surrey hills and will be over one day instead of the a weekend. Whether a BWC event can be shoehorned in remains to be seen and if not whether Brompton HQ will find an alternative venue. Anyway, coming up this weekend 27th - 29th August Brompton are setting five challenges. 

Hidden Gem

This is where you give a shout out to your favourite local business. You need to take a photo of yourself and your Brompton at this location, telling why it is your favourite place. You share this online with #myBWCHiddenGem

Urban camouflage

With this one you try and blend in with your surroundings. You share this online with #myBWCUrbanCamo

Brompton Geographic 

For this you ride to a scenic location, take a photo (with your Brompton in the shot obviously) and share online with #myBWCBromptonGeo

Fastest Fold 

This one involves you submitting a video of you unfolding your Brompton. You need to show your time on camera. Share online with #myBWCFastestFold

Best dressed

You can still get to wear what you would have if there was a BWC. Share your finest outfits (and Brompton bikes) with #IamBWCBestDressed

If any of these take your fancy, submissions need to be made the deadline 31st August midnight (BST). A great idea and I do know a few people who will be doing this. So, if this is of any interest to you, get your Brompton and outfits at the ready. A word of warning if you venture out in your full BWC outfit - expect lots of photos, questions and stares from onlookers!

Stay safe out there people!!

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