Monday, 2 August 2021

Don't Panic - all the way from Missouri

I am fortunate to get lots of emails from Brompton users or prospective Brompton users all across the globe on a regular basis. Occasionally I sometimes get sent something the old fashioned way. When I saw a small package from the USA it was unexpected. 

What I got inside was a lovely letter from George and Fiona all the way from Missouri and a rather fetching pair of don't panic, 'Dad's Army' socks. This all brought a smile to my face! 

George and Fiona are in their early 30s and married just before the C word hit the world. I have corresponded with George for a few years now ever since he asked some questions about all things Brompton. Very sensibly he went for an all Orange Brompton with Fiona opting for an Orange, Black Special Edition. The great thing for them - as far as they are aware - is that they are the only people owning Brompton bicycles where they live. 

So, George and Fiona thank you!!

Stay safe out there people!! 

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