Wednesday, 26 June 2019

Possible changes to Royal Parks through motor traffic

The Royal Parks looks after several of the best loved green spaces in and around London. A strategy discussion paper launched early this month puts froward seven draft movement principals on which you can give your feedback.

The Royal Parks are some of the most famous in London and include: Kensington Gardens; Green Park; St. James' Park; Hyde Park; Regents Park; Richmond Park; Greenwich Park and Bushy Park.

Richmond Park

Greenwich Park

The seven draft movement principals are:
  1. We will protect and conserve our parks' special qualities.
  2.  Our parks are for people.
  3. We will encourage the use of more sustainable ways to access our parks.
  4. Our park roads are not intended to be commuter through routes for motor vehicles.
  5. We will make evidence-based decisions.
  6. We will be proactive in our approach to future transport challenges and opportunities.
  7. We will be proactive in our approach to the future transport challenges and opportunities.

Of these #4  rises to the surface for me. If you have ever been to Richmond Park and to some extend Regents Park in rush hour, you can see lots and lots of cars using it as a cut-through to somewhere else. They certainly aren't visiting the park. 

Not sure what the implications of #4 would be in the long-term or whether vehicle traffic would be restricted in some way or the other but it would certainly make cycling, jogging or walking in these parks more pleasant. 

You can comment on this by clicking on the link below and you'll have until July 14th to do so.

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