Saturday, 18 May 2013

New Parts for my Brompton Bikes

My new Titanium Orange Brompton came with the 16T and 12T rear sprockets as there was a supply issue with the smaller 13T. Initially I liked it a great deal and welcomed the slight improvement for top speed cycling. I then fell out with it as it gives a slightly less progressive movement through the gears and does make ascending hills that bit harder. I then began to like it all over again and was back to my start position!

Despite this I decided to buy the 16T and 13T set just in case I want to revert back to what Brompton originally intended. Fitting this will be fairly easy now that I am more confident in performing such tasks. What a difference a year makes as this time last year I would not have dared.

The other part I had to buy was a new rear mudguard. (There will be some developments regarding mudguards so keep reading). This is the new type that is the same as the one fitted to my Titanium Orange Brompton. The slight difference is that the little rubber flap is now riveted in place as opposed secured with a screw.

This mudguard will go on my Original Orange Brompton as the current one has a large crack running down the centre where a friend ran in to the back of me in a friendly fire incident.

The week commencing 6th May I didn't really venture out on my Brompton bikes at all as I was recovering from a bug. The Thames Bridges ride last Sunday cleared out the cobwebs a little and all of last week I was back on the Brompton on my daily commute. On Thursday I even beat my best average speed to work.

Tomorrow it is the Brompton Urban Challenge which is a new event put on by Brompton. As with anything Brompton is involved in I a certain it will be a great deal of fun and I am looking forward to it greatly.


  1. Sorry about the cracked mudguard, you said at the time it was already cracked before we made contact, Ooppps, profound apologies, I guess the coffee's are on me for the next few months.

    The Brompton Badger

    1. You can repay me by coming on some more rides!


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