Thursday, 2 May 2013

Impromptu Mini Training Run

After work today I decided to take Mrs Orange and my two Orangettes for a walk. We decided upon West Wycombe - a location I have mentioned on this blog. (Homework is to try and find all my blog entries on this rather beautiful area).

It was almost as if summer had arrived and I for one hope that it stays like this! As we sat down watching the two Orangettes running around enjoying themselves, Red Kites circled overhead in huge numbers. In fact the Chilterns is one on the best place to see these spectacular birds.

Feeling thoroughly relaxed I decided to take one of my Orange Brompton bikes out for a training run (Titanium)  I have only used the bike on my commute once this week so far as I have had too much to carry to and from work. I should be able to cycle in tomorrow but I wanted to get a few miles under my belt to make up for it.

My stats for the ride were as follows:

Distance - 5.86 miles

Average Speed - 16.6 mph

Maximum Speed - 27.13 mph

Calories - 419

Ascent - 127 m

I think that all the hill riding has paid off. I have not attempted this particular route which has a fairly steep hill for some time. The last time I did I remember it being a great deal more demanding, whereas this time it didn't really phase me at all.

With lots of big rides only a few weeks away I am going to have to up my training and get those miles in. I also want to perfect the art of riding out of the saddle on really steep hills. This is something I didn't bother doing when tackling Ditchling Beacon. Seeing Mark (King of the Hill) cycle into the distance out of the saddle as I foundered, made me think that it is something I am going to need. There will be another opportunity to have a go at Ditchling Beacon in the future and my goal is to ascend it completely with no feet down!

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