Wednesday, 10 April 2013

London to Cambridge - Revenge!

Tomorrow I will be cycling from London to Cambridge again. Last time it was gruesome and tomorrow I am hoping for an easier ride...

I write gruesome...well you can read why yourself by clicking the link below but a very strong head wind the entire journey and energy sapping mud for much of the first half meant that it was demanding.

However, I am feeling good and I seem to have shaken off a chesty cold that has been lingering for well over a month.

Owning two Brompton bicycles I have the option of taking my Original or Titanium Orange Brompton. As I write this I am not sure which I will take. I have the London Classic on Sunday and I did have an inclining to go with the Titanium. I probably won't decide until tomorrow morning but both bikes are ready and waiting.

Tomorrow I intend to pack light, very light and my initial thoughts were not even to take the smaller Carradice Roll Bad on the back of my saddle. Not sure this would be practical as it would mean stuffing pockets with various items which might not be comfortable enough for such a long journey.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and have been for quite a while. There will be 12 of us going. Some will do the entire journey from start to finish and some won't. Whatever happens I am sure it will be a good ride and provide a good training run for the many rides coming up in the not too distant future!

London to Cambridge - February 2013

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