Sunday, 14 April 2013

2013 Lamy Safari Special Edition - Neon

If you are are regular reader you will already know that apart from Brompton bicycles and photography I occasionally mention a certain fondness for pens made by the German manufacturer LAMY.

They make a line of pens called 'Safari' and every year they introduce a special edition colour that is only available for that year and in limited numbers.

Last week I stumbled by chance on the new colour for 2013 and I simply had to get myself one as it looked really, really good.

The colour as the title of this blog post is Neon and it is certainly that. It is made out of a tough ABS plastic, has a triangular finger grip area, a strong chrome-plated clip and an ink level window so you can see how much ink is left. It takes Lamy cartridges or a Lamy converter (which is what I will be doing) so that you can use different coloured inks.

I bought my one with a fine nib for £13.56. The great thing about these pens is that you can start a collection of different colours and use them to suit your mood or outfit. At around £15 they are fairly inexpensive.  

I use them all the time and they are quite brilliant and even though they are primarily meant for schoolchildren or students, you will finds lots of adults using them. I have a few pens costing more than 10 times the Lamy Safari but I don't like using them as much.

The Lamy Safari Neon is available in all good pen/stationery shops or online. If you want one, be quick as they really won't be around for long. Once the the run has been sold out, that's it and I have plans to buy another one in the near future as I like this colour so much!

I have posted a link to the Lamy website so that you can get more information about there range of pens and the company itself.


  1. Be sure to check out an Italic nib for the Safari - the finest one is 1.1mm, but it does allow you to take notes, and you can write at speed, so it is more of a "stub" and is really smooth.

    1. Many thanks for that. I will certainly give it a go. The great thing is that they can be picked up for only a few pounds. Will let you know how I get on with it.

  2. Mine is ordered and on its way.


  3. Thanks for the reminder!
    I had the first series in olive (cardboard safari box) in the early '80s. Also a week ago I stumbled over my personalized dark grey one from the late '80s/early '90s.

    Interestingly in the German LAMY Online shop they promote the yellow one as limited.

    Bye, Thorsten

    PS.: Orange is my fvorite colour also!


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