Thursday 30 August 2012

SPD Pedals - part 2

It really is quite amazing how me posting that I bought some clipless pedals and attached them to my Brompton, induced such a response.

The first comments from The London Brompton Club were spot on, offering sound advice from people who had used them on other bikes and occasionally a Brompton.

It wasn't that long until I started to receive emails from people who told me in no uncertain terms why this was a bad idea. The upshot of all this after over 20 emails with tales of woe, I have totally lost confidence in having them on my Brompton for all but longer rides.

It must be over 10 years since I last used a version of a clipless pedal on a mountain bike I still have, rusting in my parents garage and it took 5 minutes to be reacquainted with these new ones. However, the damage has been done.

I really didn't expect any reaction and wasn't trying to be controversial but there certainly are strong feelings out there.


  1. Make up your own mind, yep you're going to increase the risk of falling over on your bum and looking like a prat at least once while using them, but there are benefits too. You shouldn't rule them out based purely on neigh saying, especially since you've already invested in them and are in a position to make up your own mind.

    1. Many thanks for the comment. You are totally right. Just got totally fed up with lots of stories of woe and believe me there were lots. I almost certainly will use them. I have two Brompton bikes and I'm sure they'll find a place on one of them.

  2. What were the emails? I read your post yesterday and it made we want to go and buy clipless for the first time. Now I too am not so sure...

    1. Thanks for the reply. Just bombarded with a few people telling me lots of stories of woe when using clipless.

  3. Sorry, but I can't see any reason why you wouldn't use them. If you are experienced using them where's the problem?? Put them on and decide for yourself there are always people trying to spoil others pleasure.

  4. Just discovered your blog as I too have been thinking about going clip less on my M3L.

    I'm interested to hear how you have found your SPDs, if in fact you are still using them!

  5. I thought I would add my two-penneth to the debate. My wife has a Brompton and I have a Condor Fratello I often "borrow" the Brompton for short hops around the local area becuase it is such a blast. I use my Condor to commute into the centre of London a journey of 10 miles and park it in secure bike parking. However a possible change of job would mean that this would not be possible but a compact package next to my desk would be. I think you can guess where this is going. The problem with the Brompton is the pedals, clever as they are, just do not feel secure especially in wet conditions. So in a nutshell I would get a lightweight six speed Brompton with SPD's. Anything else would just feel to insecure. Don't believe all the negative comments,I, to the amusement of onlookers fell over without being able to take my feet out but I only did it once. I was unsure when I made the switch but now I feel naked with out them.


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