Wednesday 24 April 2013

Brompton Urban Challenge - I'm Going!

Brompton is an innovative company. Standing still and resting on their many laurels just doesn't seem to be their thing and they are always approaching things in different and interesting ways.

This ethos is evident in a new event they have created call the 'Urban Challenge' taking place in May.
The format will offer participants something a little different to a traditional cycling event; orienteering skill and ingenuity rather than speed, will define the winning teams. 

In the urban jungle of the UK capital, teams of Brompton owners will ride around the city completing some Brompton-based challenges (Brompton track stand anyone?) and picking up points along the way by photographing the bikes in different places and scenarios. 

Those not taking part will be able to watch it all unfold and keep up to date through Brompton’s social media channels as participants' photos are uploaded in real-time and grouped using the recently introduced hashtag, #BUCLDN.
Setting out from the bike shop, 'Look Mum No Hands' in Old Street, London, teams will navigate between set checkpoints to be announced on the day; members of the Brompton team will be present at each checkpoint to assign teams new challenges, help to send photos back to HQ and even offer a few clues and route tips. Some of the challenges include: taking your Brompton as high as possible and taking it on an unusual form of public transport. 

Once the challenges are completed, Bromptoneers will be welcomed back to Look Mum No Hands for a post-event reception and some top refreshments. The cafe will be turned into a gallery, showing off the best of the photos taken during the day and they'll be raffling off their favourite framed photographs to raise money for the Brompton charity of choice, Re-cycle.

It all sounds like great fun, so much so that I have signed up for it and am going! About a year ago I went on a Monopoly ride that had a few challenges along the way and that was brilliant. (Please see the link below for details on that adventure). 

I am sure that he Brompton Urban Challenge is going even better! There are several different manufactures of folding bicycles out there but I doubt whether for example Tern or Dahon would be able to get as many people wanting to turn out for an event like this. Brompton really do know how to organise a great event and I am really looking forward to this one! 

Please click on the link below to take you to my blog entry for the Monopoly ride about a year ago.
Small Wheels Monopoly Ride

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