Friday, 7 May 2021

Folding Brompton makes me buy similar items

Steel yourselves for this next statement. In fact, should you find yourself affected by the sentence to come, you may need to seek professional help. Are you ready? Here goes. I have a life outside of all things Brompton. Yes, I know that this may have shocked some of you but please read on.

As we all know, the Brompton is a wonderful space saving bicycle that can fold and fit into spaces that full sized versions cannot. Perhaps without even knowing it, I have carried on this theme for other areas.

The first is what I write with. I exclusively use fountain pens and as I have large hands, my pens tend to be the larger, oversize versions (that are sadly the most expensive too). One pen however I take with me everywhere is a small pocket pen by the Japanese manufacturer, Pilot. Their 'Elite 95s' is very small when the cap is on but becomes a very useable full sized pen when you need it to. I have several of these pens and if I find a good price for one and can get one (they are not easy to find in the UK) I pounce on them. The folding, compact theme of the Brompton is there.

The second is walk in the country - or for an urban creature like me, the London Wetlands Centre or walks along the river Thames. In such locations I usually see lots of wildlife and to get a better view I often use a monocular rather than lug around a pair of binoculars. The one I have has great lenses, is light in weight and easily carried. It comes with me when I am on walks with Mrs Orange and the Orangettes or when I am heading out east along the river Thames. 

The binoculars are great but I use the monocular more often

Smaller and more compact

Finally, there is the camera I use. Of late I have left the bigger camera at home in favour of my iPhone 11. It takes great photos - especially in low light - and being able to shoot 4K video at 60 frames a second is just a bonus. 

Do any of you out there go for the portable and often smaller version too?

Stay safe out there people!!

I think these two photos speak for themselves.


  1. thought i would wait with yet another comment but this was interesting, and spot on! really prefer laid-back gadgets with inner qualities, like the brompton.

    for binoculars i tend to bring my canon 12x32. it is really compact for what it gives, and as i have bought an already banged-about used specimen i dont mind keeping it loose in a jacket pocket. have also the 15x50 and 18x50, and being exquisite in all possible ways they are bulkier, and thus dont get used quite as much.

    the best binos i have is the sard 6x42 from ww2, the greatest possible pleasure to use. but what a beast!

    for car i have since 16 years one of the last tiny aluminium audi a2. spatious on the inside, and rear seat is a dream. have driven it a distance over nine times round the globe, which is is almost as far as to the moon.

    fits 3 bromptons in the boot:)

  2. Kaweco Sport (plastic and metal versions) are my favourite fountain pen variety, small.but perfectly functional like my Brompton. All filled with Diamine Alexandrite...


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