Monday, 3 September 2012

Training Run - alternating Brompton Bikes

One of the great things about being lucky enough to have two very different Brompton bikes is the ability to alternative which one you ride whenever you fell like it. (I say that although my S2L Raw Lacquer has yet to go outside if it is raining or even if there is a hint of rain).

My training runs for want of a better expression for yesterday and today are as follows:

Yesterday - Orange M6L

Time - 31:26

Distance - 8.44 miles

Average Speed - 16.12 mph

Maximum Speed - 26.4 mph

Calories - 564

Today - Raw Lacquer S2L

Time - 30:43

Distance - 8.45 miles

Average Speed - 16.51 mph

Maximum Speed - 27.49 mph

Calories - 537

I do find it strange that my speed and average speed on the S2L is better than on my 6x speed? Perhaps I am gradually getting fitter? Not sure about it yet.

The jury is still out on which I prefer - S type / M type, 2x speed / 6x speed but for the moment I love having the option of both.


  1. What do you use to track your rides?

    Great blog, keep it up!

  2. Many thanks. I use a Garmin Edge 200. Have a look at some of my other blog entries for a review and details of the data you can get via the Garmin Connect website.

  3. Are your average and max speeds based on riding on flat ground or a mixture of hills/climbs too? I have an S2L and want to speed things up on my daily commute to work which is 7.5 miles. It takes me just under 45 minutes but have a few hills/climbs but still would like to get my time down. I am not overweight so wondered what you were doing to get on average 30 of so minutes at those speeds. Have both your bikes been modified?

  4. Thanks for your comment. The trainIng run referred to is a circuit of about just over half a mile where I live. I do lots of circuits and rarely have to stop, so it's solid riding. There is a mix of flats and inclines but one very significant climb of 150 metres in length. I suspect you'd be as fast if you didn't have to stop and start etc.


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