Thursday, 27 September 2012

Richmond to Oxford on a Brompton - Final Preparation

Well, the day of reckoning is almost here. On Saturday I travel to Oxford with at least 11 other intrepid Brompton riders. It should be should be better than good!

Today I made a dash to a cycle shop to try and get a new pair of waterproof over trousers and some front and rear LED lights. I fail on both but will try another shop tomorrow. My Altura Night Vision over trousers have served me really well since I bought them. They have been through a hell of a lot and being an all weather commuter, two winters. That has meant a huge amount of rain!

On Monday I saw the first signs that they needed replacing as after my commute when I took them off, I saw some wet patches on my knee and thighs. I have reproofed them a few times but there is only so much you can do.

My intention was to by the same again, albeit the updated version. Unfortunately, the shop I went to didn't have my size. I will try again tomorrow. I will also look for the LED lights. Apart from that i am ready for Saturday, as far as one can be for things like this.

I will take my Garmin Edge 200 which I will use to plot my route on a map once I return home. I plan to travel as light as I can so it might be iPhone for pictures but I will possibly take the GoPro for some video shots.

Well apart from tonight it will be one more sleep until the big day and I am getting quite excited about it. I was going to plan a ride in London to see the sights etc.., but discarded this idea quite rapidly. First I didn't think it was demanding enough and second I thought a longer rider would bring out the spirit of adventure in other Brompton riders - which it seems to have done.

My partner in crime, iCrazyBee will be out in force and it will be great to ride with the legend that is BumbleBee again. Our last sojourn was the Brompton World Championships and both of use said that we would be riding a great deal more in 2013. This is perhaps the start of further adventures.

Of course there will be other Brompton riders and this is another highlight. Being a Brompton owner is almost like being part of a club and it will be fun to see other owners and chew the fat as we cycle along.

So, if you have a Brompton you might want to try and get a small group together and go out for a ride in your local area. It might be the start of something quite special?

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