Tuesday 11 September 2012

I am a walking Brompton Advert!

I really should be sponsored by Brompton as I am a walking advert! There I have said it and got it off my chest.

I chance I can hear some of you say, what an unfortunate way to be greeted. I say this, as in the time I have owned a Brompton I have sung and continue to sing its praises to all who ask. I have managed to get at least two other members of staff where I work to at least start cycling to work - with a view to getting a Brompton.

Today while at the post office I was enthusiastically greeted by a fellow Brompton owner who was very keen to show me his new Brompton and to thank me for telling him about mine. I must say that I have no recollection of speaking to this gentleman.  He knew me however and as he retold the story of how he had asked all about my Brompton, in the very same high street and was so impressed by my enthusiasm for it, he went out and bought himself one.

His was a classic black M3R and he told me that he had bought it via a bike to work scheme, which for him had taken quite a long time to get everything finalised. He had only had his Brompton for two weeks and was already loving it. He plans to get one for his wife for Christmas.

Apparently, he had seen me on my commute to work and noticed that I had two different Brompton Bikes. When the opportunity to have a chat came about he did. I still can't recall this but I do get lots of people asking me about the Brompton and I always leave them with the thought that they should get one too. So I really should be sponsored by Brompton but in truth most Brompton users should be as most are just like me!


  1. so true, i praise the Brompton so much. Even when I go to my local bike shop that has Bromptons there and I see someone having a look I say to them to get one cause they are AWESOME and luv mine to bits.

    I too get stopped on the road and asked questions about my B. I've even had an email from a guy in Washington say he got the exact same B as mine even down to the basic double yellow colour cause of my blog >:P

    "The Force is strong with this one!"


  2. When you get back you're coming with me to Richmond Park rain, sleet or snow!

    1. after all this sun I've been enjoying, your crazy >:P

      I have to say I have missed Bumble B & haven't seen any Bromptons out here in Vallejo CA, or San Francisco when I went there for the day (saw a couple of Dahlons on the ferry, :( ). There was a place to rent bikes on Pier 41 so you could cycle to the Golden Gate Bridge but I didn't have enough time to go.

      Now that I have confirmed that you can travel with Bumble B in a suitable case on Virgin & British Airways for FREE (sports equipment go FREE up to 23kg), I will be bringing "The Legend" with me next time for sure and making sure these folks understand the power of the Brompton.

  3. Your reputation precedes you, Mr. O! That's great!!
    Peace :)


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