Saturday, 8 September 2012

Lamy Al Star Ruby Red

Regular readers will know that I have more than a soft spot for Lamy pens. I recently got a new 'Special Edition' of their Al Star range of pens. This one is Ruby Red and it is a little stunner.

Lamy's range of pens are vast. I really like these Al Star pens. This particular version is a great colour and of many Al Stars I have it is my favourite.

The pictures don't do the colour of this pens justice and it is a wonderful ruby colour as its name suggests. The Al Star is made of lightweight aluminium and feels great in the hand. It is a good size and balanced well.

I am a fan of Lamy nibs and the Al Star shares the same nibs as the Safari range. What this effectively means is that you can change your nib easily and in doing so, it is almost like having another pen.

The nib is stainless steel and of high quality and precision made. They can be bought online for less than £4 which is a bargain. I own quite a few fountain pens and a few that retail for over £200 each. I have to admit that the only pen I ever seem to use is a Lamy and I prefer them to the more expensive ones. They are that good!

You can pick one of these up from good high street shops or online for about £24. If you want one of these special edition versions, you had better be quick as they are only around for a limited time so get one while you can.

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