Monday, 1 August 2022

Brompton bicycle storage

A few of you have asked me where and how I store my Brompton bikes so I thought that I would let you know what works for me.

I was pretty late to the IKEA party in terms of storage but wouldn't go back to anything else now. My two Orange Brompton bikes sit top and bottom and my third - Cloud Blue - sits on top of a filing cabinet. On top of the two Orange Brompton bikes I have my Brompton bags and helmet. 

This setup works rather well for me and I have always kept my bicycles indoors. Surely this is the only way?!

I do know of people with much more elaborate storage solutions. One fellow Bromptonian has their Brompton bicycles sitting inside a purpose-built cupboard. This is very similar in dimensions to my IKEA storage but bespoke and made out of solid oak. I shudder to think what this must have cost. (I will try and get a photo or two if I am allowed). 

How do you out there store your Brompton bike? Please let me know. 

Until next time, stay safe out there people!

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