Sunday, 18 October 2020

Looking forward to the last overnight ride?

This weekend yours truly will be embarking on a night ride. Not to the coast this time but it did get me thinking as to whether this would be the last night ride of 2020?

The weather is starting to get a little chillier of late and I suspect that the ride this weekend could well be the last this year, as much to do with the weather as anything else. However, I did think about the march to Christmas and I will almost certainly do an all night ride in London, taking in the Christmas lights.  I may be able to join some fellow Bromptonians for this ride or get a few roped in. If I can't I will probably do it myself. 

As this week progresses I know that I will be eager to get out for another night ride and look forward to the preparations that seem be a part of these adventures.

Watch this space for a write-up.

Until then, stay safe out there people!!

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