Friday, 5 July 2019

Preparing Brompton bikes for the Dunwich Dynamo

As I type this blog post, the Dunwich Dynamo is just over a week away. Eek!!

The Dunwich Dynamo is an annual cycling event, starting at Hackney Fields in London and finishing at Dunwich Beach, some 112 miles away.

Last Sunday by way of starting the preparations for this event I decided to give my Orange Special Edition a good clean. (It was still dirty from the very wet Whitstable run a few weeks ago). I knew that the next few weeks will be very busy for me and if I didn't start the prep now, it would all end up being last minute.

The first big decision is what Brompton to take with me? There are plus and minus points for each of my two Brompton bikes.

Orange Special Edition

  • Better front dynamo light
  • Older so less likely to be bothered by a summer downfall

Flame Orange

  • Front and rear dynamo lights have built in reflectors - but front light not as powerful
  • This bike has a Brooks B17 Titanium Special which is really, really comfortable

In truth there is not much in it.

The big thing I need to do is fit a pair of standard Marathon tyres to my Orange Special Edition. I have had Marathon Plus tyres fitted since the bike was new and although they are much better than the older versions I remember, I still prefer the standard Marathons. A brand new pair arrived today so I will hopefully fit them over the weekend.

Next is water. In hot weather I seem to need a fair bit, so I will need to carry a few bottles. Hopefully I will be able to stop along the route and fill up somewhere.

The final thing to do will be to check the bikes over and make sure I am happy with everything. I actually like the idea of having two Brompton bikes that I can choose from. Once this is all done it will be a case of turning up and pedalling into the night.

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