Saturday, 27 July 2019

Preparation for my Brompton Ride46

Miracles sometimes happen. Lightening sometimes strikes twice. The stars align in the right position. Occasionally kismet works in ones favour. I am of course talking about me getting a place in the Prudential Ride46. (Sadly, all of these didn't quite work for me securing a place at the Brompton World Championships this year). 

Next Thursday I plan to pop down to ExCel London where I will pick up my ride number and bits and pieces needed to participate in the Ride46. Also on at the same time is the Prudential Ride London Cycling Show where lots of cycling related exhibitors will be showing and perhaps selling all sorts of gear.

I have been deliberating which of my Brompton bicycles to take with me. At the moment I am coming down on the side of my Orange Special Edition rather than my Flame Lacquer. Saying that every time I gaze at the pure loveliness of the Flame Lacquer, I instantly change my mind!

One thing I won't be doing is turning whatever bikes I end up using to eating spec. So, there will be no change to Kojak tyres, removing the dynamo wheel, swapping out the saddle for a lighter one etc. It will just be the bike I normally use. Saying that, what I will do is to try and edit down what I take with me. My tool kit will be at a minimum as will the items I choose to carry with me. It will just be a case of making sure I give the bike the once over - and of course that it is sparklingly clean!!

As far a strategies go, I haven't got any. The Ride46 isn't a race and I will go as fast /slow as I feel I want to. I only wish that some of the other participants would take the same view. The previous time I took part in the Ride46 the last few miles weren't that pleasant as several roadies who had started the Ride100 earlier in the day, rode selfishly and stupidly obviously wanting to record the quickest time they could. 

I am very much looking forward to it all and I know that there are a few other Brompton riders also taking part. If you see me, do say hello!

I wonder if the 2019 ribbon is orange?!

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