Saturday, 15 June 2013

New Purchases and I ponder the Future...

It has been a very busy few weeks on the Brompton front. I have been on several night rides and last week was Epic Saturday which consisted of participating at the excellent IG London Nocturne and 100km NightRider Charity Ride.

I recovered really well from last weeks exertions and on my commute I wasn't suffering at all. I don't have anything planned for the foreseeable future as far a rides / adventures go but the 20th July will see me take part in the 120 mile Dunwich Dynamo. This is a formidable distance and I really do need to get myself ready in mind and body!

The Dynamo is a turn up event that has been going for several years and is a must do cycling event. I wanted to do it last year but timings and dates didn't work out and I was unable to do it. In a way I am glad as my fitness, although improving was not as good compared to what it is now. I still feel that I have some way to go but I am getting there and last weeks fairly brisk paced 100km certainly bring me to the conclusion that I am ready.  A week later it will be the Brompton World Championships and I really do need to get ready for that one!

One of the things I have been looking in to again is the notion of getting clip less pedals. Regular readers will know that I did go clip less several months ago, only to be put off for one reason or another.

A friend who recently emigrated to Canada could not understand why I didn't go clip less. He used to do an 22 mile each way commute on a single speed Titanium Brompton, Kojak tyres and no mudguards regardless of whether and swore by clip less pedals. Lots of other fellow Bromptonians have also gone clip less and I now feel the time is right. I suspect it will take my cycling to where I want to be.

I was in a cycle shop mid week and had a good look at the many different pedals. I haven't yet made up my mind but I want to get some soon so that I can start getting used to clipping in and out in time for the Dunwich Dynamo and the Brompton World Championships.

One item I had to purchase recently was a new suspension block. Despite me degreasing the existing one on my Original Orange Brompton it makes a loud squeaking noise. I am hoping that the new one will make all the difference.

Regular readers will know that a few weeks ago I bought a folding dry bag. I was in Cotswold Adventure Store today and saw a smaller dry bag that was even better than the one I bought previously.   This was one sale at a discounted price and I got a further discount by using my CTC (Cycle Touring Club) membership card. Pretty good. (I was in no way swayed by the colour)!

Monday is going to be the starting point of my training for the BWC. During the week I plan to go home the long way, making sure that my route includes a steep hill. At the weekend unless I have anything planned I intend to get in a good 10 miles. 

Hopefully I will soon have a new pair of clip less pedals to be getting used to but we will have to see?


  1. Just like buses nothing for ages then 2 at once!
    Look forward to seeing how you get on as I've been toying with the clip on pedals for a few weeks.

  2. I fitted SPD clip less pedals to my M6L some time ago. I find it makes a huge difference when riding up hills or on steady flats or gentle inclines. It is also great on long rides since one can vary when and where you apply pressure in your pedal stroke (both on the push and the pull) and still keep the crank turning. It was well worth it in my opinion.


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