Thursday, 20 June 2013

I finally go clipped in on my Brompton...again!!

Quite some while ago I bought some M540 Shimano clipped in pedals but abandoned them not long afterwards. For reasons I won't go into I was put off them, couldn't get used to them and if truth be told wasn't really ready for going clipped in - if that makes sense.

I have done a great deal of riding since then and seen lots of my friends...fellow Bromptonians go clipped in. I have watched with interest and listened to their findings. I decided to take the plunge...again. 

I bought a pair of Shimano M780 pedals. They have a double sided entry, adjustable tension for the release of the cleats and weigh only slightly over 350g. Fitting them was easy and they look rather fetching I think. Comparing them to the M540's I briefly owned then look and feel better. 

There was a big difference to the purchase of these pedals compared to the last pair of clipped in ones I bought all those months ago. Last time I was almost nervous. Putting them on I was having doubts. Going out for a ride on them for the first time I felt unsure, uneasy and wasn't confident. This time things were very different. 

I was eagerly awaiting their arrival. I was happy to put them on and did so much easier than I had the last time (perhaps due to all the maintenance jobs I am now able to do). Going out for a ride using these new pedals I felt much happier. I enjoyed using them...I liked them! 

I rode a 5 mile route near my home that has a fairly steep hill. I have to say that ascending it with clipped in pedals and my new DHB shoes with a much firmer platform, all worked in conjunction with one another to make things not necessarily easier but more efficient. I certainly felt I was using less energy. 

It is very early days but at this moment in time I cannot foresee these pedals coming off my Titanium Orange Brompton.

The Shimano M780 pedals

I think they look rather good.

The shoes I bought along with the pedals are by no means the most expensive and are at the starter end of the market at £42. They have however been favourably reviewed and are supposed to punch well above their weight. 

DHB mountain bike shoes so that I can walk in them!

At the budget end of the market but I think they are rather good.

It will be interesting to see how they both feel and perform on some of the longer rides I have planned. As for them making me go faster...I suspect they will help on hills and aid with efficiency. Unlike last time I am looking forward to using them and that cannot be a bad thing. 


  1. Mr O,
    Wise choice!.. I don't think you will regret them,expect a few mishaps, I still have troubles with my feet, it causes many chuckles.They finish "The Orange Brompton" with panache and style.
    Wayfarer Brompton.

  2. hello, and thank you for your brompton blog,
    regarding clip in pedals- i, too, succumbed to the clip in pressure. however, i find they (shoes and pedals) make my feet numb after 1.5 hours, and i have tried many different combinations.
    the time i fell while clipped in was way worse than my few other spills.
    i feel it is much more important to obtain an speed efficient pedal style, and use the minimum of tech. there's some interesting stuff out there- power grip straps and mini toe clips, for a few.
    good luck!

  3. for Brompton and clip-pedals - how about the "marresi eroica" shoes?


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