Tuesday 4 June 2013

Dead Garmin Edge 200

Unfortunately the Garmin Edge 200 which I bought last year before the Brompton World Championships has given up the ghost after just over a year. This is a great shame as I've really liked using it and apart from the nice people at Garmin letting me test out their 800 and 810 it has been a permanent fixture on my Brompton bikes.

I tend to look after the things I buy and to the casual observer you'd probably think it was in mint condition but alas something is not right. The first sign was it not recording the London to Whitstable ride. Well it seemed to but them the ride couldn't be opened and when connected to my Mac the particular ride just wouldn't load?

This morning on my commute I took it out again and despite having 100% charge it turned itself off completely halfway and didn't record anything. It was sort of doing this yesterday when I was playing around with it in a vague attempt to see if all was okay.

It's a bit upsetting as I will now have to try and buy another when funds allow. I'd probably go for the 510 as I like the size and the new features. As much as I loved the 810 it would be a bit too much for me to pay.

I will of course have to think about what happens next but I definitely want something soon as I find the Garmin data useful in a geeky sort of way. The 510 would certainly allow this and just might fit the bill. Decisions, decisions!!


  1. Hope Garmin look after you. You have been a great ambassador for their product, and I'm sure many others have purchased their units on the basis of your favourable - but fair - reviews.


  2. Have you spoken to the nice people at Garmin my Edge 200 developed a fault last year, I returned it them and a few days later a new replacement was with me. Great service.

  3. Garmin are a great company. They gave let me test an 800 and 810 for the best part of three months. Review for the 810 on its way.

    Regarding the 200, it is probably out of warranty and just one of those things. I have an old etrex (think it's called that) and still going strong after nearly 7 years.

  4. I have had my Garmin Edge 605 for around four four and a half years. During that time it has been pretty good, but there have been issues. Just recently it has been turning off occasionally, which turned out to be caused by very bumpy paths shaking the SD card and causing the unit to shut down. I removed it and all is fine again.

    I have also had problems with it reporting the battery level as very low, although it wasn't. I did a full reset and then recycled it from full charge to no charge a few times which seemed to reset the battery monitoring.

    Mine also "runs out of memory" every few months, I store data at 1 second intervals. There is still plenty of memory reported though. I do a full reset and then manually delete any data left over, which it seems to forget, and everything is ok for a few more months.

    It might also be worth checking that the battery connection is ok. I have not checked on the 200, but there are useful YouTube videos that show how to replace the battery on a 605. I would use silicone sealant to stick it back together again though.

  5. Hi,
    Just because it is out of warranty as far as the manufacturer is concerned, doesn't mean you havent got a valid claim for repair/replacement, since the sale of goods act has a reasonable life expectancy for products, especially true if they are expensive. If your 55" £3000 TV packed up after 13 months you wouldn't be happy if they invoked the "well it's out of warranty" clause.....

    ps. love your Blog. Been reading it for about a year (since I purchased my S2L). Your fitness must be tip-top. My biggest regret is buying my bike for the sole purpose of commuting, when in reality I prefer riding my Brompton to my other bikes and now wish I got the 6 speed. Still, might go for the upgrade kit.


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