Thursday, 25 July 2013

Preparation for my 3rd Brompton World Championships

Saturday marks the start of the Brompton World Championships and you could say I have been looking forward to it all year. If truth be told I was looking forward to it as soon as I finished the 2012 event! It is the highlight of my cycling year bar none.

As I did last year I will be participating in the Brompton Treble. This will involve two events on Saturday - Sprint and Eliminator and the big one - the Brompton World Championships on Sunday. It is going to be a very different event. Blenheim Palace is no more and hundreds of Bromptonians will descend upon Goodwood motor racing circuit.

I really enjoyed the Blenheim Palace circuit. It was a demanding mix of flats, hills and descents. The route was also interesting on the eye. I don't think that the Goodwood circuit can compete of this front but I actually relish the change. Goodwood will be fast and flat out and be demanding in different ways to Blenheim. Many Bromptonians have bemoaned the move away from Blenheim but I say a change is good and keeps things interesting! Who knows in a few years Brompton may decide to choose another location?

My Titanium Orange Brompton is almost ready for its first outing in race conditions at a Brompton event. Part of me says that I should really use my Original Orange Brompton for Sunday but I love my Titanium Orange Brompton so it will have to have a rest day.

I have taken off the Kojak tyres I had on my bike and replaced then with a brand new fresh set. These have bigger logos and look great! I have also replaced the original inner tubes that came with the bike for the better Schwalbe AV4's.

My knee is almost back to normal but as I wanted to go on a few gentle training rides that contained hills I decided to take off the 54T chainring for the 50T. I will decide later tomorrow whether or not the legs are up to the 54T. I must say thought that I really like the 54T and when my knee is 100% I suspect I will be putting it back on. All that remains for me to do it to give the bike the once over, clean and lube the chain and I should be ready.

Saturday is going to be an interesting experience and I am really looking forward to the Eliminator event. I suspect Sunday is going to be quite special as the number of riders is set to increase. Although the Brompton World Championships is part of Orbital Festival at Goodwood I would say that Brompton bikes and Bromptonians will dominate.

If you are racing or spectating and we haven't met please introduce yourself and say hello. I am sure that you'll be able to spot Mr Orange among the hundreds of riders!


  1. Hello Mr.O.
    Once again, a fab write up.
    I'll see you on both Saturday and Sunday, I wish you good luck in all of your events, and I'll be there screaming my head off cheering you on Sir.
    Be safe My Friend, and just enjoy the weekend.

  2. Hope it goes well for you OB Man, looks like we both have a busy week end. I agree go with the stripped down, light weight Brompton. Enjoy and I will look forward to the reporting.


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