Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Brompton Water Bottle Solution by Monkii

On Saturday I will be cycling a rather difficult 30 miles from Trafalgar Square to Otford. I will then cycled the remaining 50 miles to Whitstable. I write difficult for two reasons. First there will be some seriously hills to ascend - to the extend that even I am mildly concerned. Second, the weather is destined to be hot!

For this ride I will be taking my Titanium Orange Brompton and I plan to travel very light. When I say light I really do mean light. I will not be taking a camera - no time for photos anyway - other than my iPhone and don't really want to have a heavy saddle bag packed with bit and pieces I do not really need.

Water is going to be a must and carrying it on a Brompton might prove problematic. A few fellow Bromptonians have bought into a very clever solution from

The clip system is a Monkii Clip and Monkii V Cage. It is simple and innovative solution. The clip is attached to the handlebar stem of your Brompton with the clip facing you. The pack also contains a cardboard tube inside which there is a longer bolt, rubber pad and rubber strip to protect the paintwork.

The Monkii Clip

The clip itself is quite easy to put on and the single bolt that tightens everything up doesn't require a great deal of torque in order to keep things stable and firmly in place.

Attached to the bike

The Monkii V Cage then clips on to the Monkii Clip. A variety of bottles can be inserted into the cage and the adjustable velcro strap helps make lots of different bottle sizes fit snugly. 

The Monkii V Cage

Once the cage has been fitted to your chosen bottle when you want a drink you can just unclip the cage - with bottle attached - and clip back on when you have finished. Very clever.

The cage attached to a bottle

The great thing about this system is that you can still fold your Brompton with the bottle still attached to your bike via the Monkii Clip.

Attached to the bike

This all represents a brilliant solution to the problem of carrying water when you want to go minimalist. It means that my saddle bag - if I take one - can hold other bottle of water if I wish.

The Monkii Clip was £8.75 and the Monkii V Cage was £11.75. I think that it represents really good value for money as it is well made. Added to this Miles at Cyclemiles provides a fast and very friendly service.

You can find more details by clicking the link below:


  1. Great tip. Thank you - I have been wondering what to do about water.


  2. Hello! Is there a reason why you got the V cage as opposed to the Original? Thank you!


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