Sunday, 28 April 2024

15.5 mph not 88 mph!

Those of you who are of a certain age might remember the classic that is, 'Back to the Future.' Reminded of this by recently seeing an aging - but near perfect - DeLorean sitting in N6 as the garage door gently closed to spoil the fun of taking a photo, I recalled the magic 88 mph and could not help by think of my Brompton Electric. 

When I have had the battery powered on, seeing my Wahoo display 15 mph I know that the motor will do its thing until 15.5 mph. As soon as this happens, it is as if the Brompton Electric gently lets you know that you can do it. You are on your own but when needed the motor kicks in when you fall below 15.5 mph, giving you a little boost. It is all rather lovely. 

At the moment I use the motor sparingly and have reserved it for the ascent of hills. Doing do is quite simply wonderful. 

When the weather gets better - if ever - my Orange Titanium is coming out of its winter hibernation to join my Brompton Electric. 

Until next time, stay safe out there people!


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