Thursday, 4 April 2024

The Brompton World Championships 2024 and so it begins

For those who have signed up for information about the BWC 2024 or perhaps those who have registered their beloved folding wonder and ticked that marketing box, early bird tickets are now available for the premier cycling event. 

The BWC will take place on Saturday, 22nd June as advertised previously and the race format will be rather interesting. The course will be in Coal Drops Yard, in Kings Cross and feature 10 heats with 50x participants in each heat. They will cycle 5x laps around a 900m circuit. (It reminds me of the old Nocturne around Smithfield Market but on a much grander scale). The top 50x participants across the heats will then compete in the final. 

Official Brompton events are always lots of fun. In fact the old Nocturne folding bike face was pretty much a Brompton event anyway unofficially with the amount of Brompton peeps taking part. 

I am sure that this will be a lovely day, celebrating all things small wheeled.

Until next time, stay safe out there people!

1 comment:

  1. Hope that you go to. I travel from Japan to join and always wanted to meet you finally.


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