Sunday, 14 April 2024

Getting ready for the first group night ride of the season

Friday will see me and several others embark on the first night ride of the season, Shoreham-by-Sea. This is a little over six miles from Brighton. 

The first half of the ride will see us cycling pretty much the same roads as Dr John, Geoff and I did a couple of weeks ago. Hopefully things will be drier this time round. There are no huge hills on this one but a few lumps - the ride up to Farthing Downs and then after the half way stop, Turners Hill being the two that I can think of. 

I will be talking my Brompton Electric with me and will decide at will when and where to turn the battery on. I look forward to that!

I was going to simply return via Shoreham-by-Sea railway station but sadly tickets are for specific trains. I will almost certainly cycle the 6ish miles to Brighton where my ticket will allow me to roll up to the station and get any off-peak train I fancy. I am almost in two minds whether to stay with the group up to the halfway stop and simply pedal on to Brighton. 

It will be great to be on a nocturnal adventure again and I will need to carry out the mini prep before Friday arrives. This includes:

  • Checking over my bike and tyres
  • Charging all the lights and the Wahoo
  • Packing a few snacks
  • Buying a train ticket back to London
  • Deciding whether I will break with tradition and actually have a breakfast before returning to London
It has been a few years since I cycled to Shoreham and it will be a welcome return. Nocturnal adventures of this kind are (as you have read many times) quite wonderful and I do look forward to them. 

Until next time, stay safe out there people.

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