Friday, 17 July 2015

New SDP Shoes disaster!

Some of you out there may have read in my Dunwich Dynamo post that I was in need of a new pair of SDP shoes as the straps had seemed to expanded resulting in them needing to be slimmest touching the floor, in order to get a proper fit.

This morning I ventured out in my new shoes and to my horror one of the straps completely sheared off. Luckily I had only just set off from home and had not travelled more than 200 metres. The part that broke off was the little ratchet-type arrangement at the top of the shoe.

Turning for home I put them back in the box they came from and asked Mrs Orange to send them from whence they came. Later on at work I fired off an email to explain what had happened. I received an email back pretty quickly to say that I would be given a refund, exchange or could select another shoe.

I will deliberate over this one at some point this weekend as later tonight I am attending an overnight ride from London to Whitstable...sadly with my old SPD shoes! I can only hope that I can get the straps tight enough and that I do not have a repeat performance of what occurred on the Dynamo as the ride will be just over 70 miles.

Must say I am looking forward to it as the overnight to Whitstable is one of my all time favourites. As always I will be riding with Geoff and it will be a nice end to an incredibly busy couple of weeks as work.

When I get my replacement SDP shoes I will write a blog post and let you in the secret of whether I have opted to simply get another pair of the ones that were obviously faulty or a completely different pair.


  1. Boy your not having much luck with your SPD shoes of late. Have a good ride tonight and hope you have no more issues with your SPDs or anything else for that matter.

    1. Had to put an extra pair on insoles in and still the straps were touching the floor. Also had to re tighten throughout the ride. Luckily no issues. Choosing a replacement today.


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